Santa Fe was part of the TAFE display, and much to my delight, there were no other whacky chairs in the whole of the exhibition (which tended to the extreme end of conservatisim). Our patchwork and piecework chairs attracted a lot of attention!

At the risk of boring you all silly, here are yet more pics of Santa Fe - I couldn't resist it with that lovely background (an empty part of the display room) and the slanting light.
There's also a video (slideshow) showing the start to finish upholstery process over on the VIDEOS page.

Santa Fe is for sale - go to the SHOP page if you're tempted!
* the first time I was on this site was when I was a 16 year old groom, working with horses and donkeys - and sleeping above the old wooden stables - during several Easter Shows. Those were the days!
I'm the one on the left; the little cutie is 'Delilah'; no idea who the kiddies are; and that's my Mum slinking off around the corner in the background.
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